Help Map Now

Help with current deployments
The Task Force is not currently deployed.

Help with other volunteer live mapping initiatives
The following initiatives need support from volunteer live mappers (these are not Task Force deployments)

Syria Tracker
Description: We are a group concerned about the events in Syria. We started the website to account for people killed or missing and for tampering with water and food. This information is essential for future humanitarian and legal actions. We are asking for your help documenting in real time these accounts on our site.
If you are a Task Force member, you can see details>.

Open Street Map Project of the Week
Description: Every week, OSMers everywhere are invited to help in this week’s Project of the week. This is inspired by the huge amount of effort that went in to mapping Haiti by people all over the world.
You can see details here

Humanitarian Open Street Map Team
Description: Building on two years of informal collaborations, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team [H.O.T.] is a new initiative to apply the principles and activities of open source and open data sharing towards humanitarian response and economic development.
You can see details here